“Jesus said to them(the disciples)… But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witness in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:7-8)
This is one of Jesus’ last instructions to his disciples just prior to His ascension. Instructions on how to go about carrying out His great commission from Matthew 28:19-20, “Go and Make disciples of all the nations on earth.”
Start in Jerusalem, then in Judea, then Samaria, and finally to the ends of the earth. Start at a single point(Jerusalem) and gradually spread out; spread out just like a ripple on a pond. Calm at first, but put your finger in the water and see the ripple spread out from that single point.
A major part of the church’s focus is it’s mission projects and support. We, here at Emmaus, may not be able to physically reach the far ends of the earth, so we are called on to support those missionaries who do. Emmaus enables and equips several mission groups through encouragement, prayer, and financial support – designated dollars from our yearly budget. We start with a single point (Emmaus) and have at times reached such far away places as Russia and Lima, Peru.
We have listed below some our current mission projects that Emmaus is supporting. Each group’s website link is also listed if available.
Samaritans Purse/Operation Christmas Child
Website Address:
Ewan and Jodie McFadden
The McFaddens are currently serving the Black Feet Indian Nation (Western United States) thru CRU (Campus Crusade for Christ). The McFaddens served previously in St. Petersburg, Russia.
Website Address:
Ebenezer Gospel Mission
Ebenezer Gospel Mission is a unique ministry focused on evangelizing the natives of India and its neighboring countries. This mission came into existence in 1964. Since then the ministry of EGM has been growing and branching to different states of India, each with its own language, culture and traditions. The ministry is designed to reach the remote village of the country, where the Gospel has not yet reached. Through its brances the mission has been successful in reaching different villages with the light of the Gospel. Even in the midst of great opposition our men are serving boldly for God and souls are being added to the kingdom of God. The EGM website is designed to give you a more comprehensive picture of its different ministries.
Website Address:
Saving the Lives of the Unborn
Care Net Pregnancy Center of Northern New York is one of over one thousand affiliated Care Net Centers in the U.S. and we serve Jefferson and Lewis Countyies. Care Net NNY opened in 2008 at our current location at 1104 Washington Street in Watertown in Watertown.
Care Net is a 501c-3 non-profit and all Care Net services are offered totally free of charge.
Our free services are made possible by generous donations from people in our community who are deeply concerned for women who are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. Care Net’s many trained volunteers also help enable Care Net to continue to offer free services.
Website address: